So you want to combine your porch lighting with the remote control Moon, push dimmer Novex, with our own Hamulight app or with a Somfy IO remote control.
What is a LED receiver?
A LED receiver makes it possible for your lighting to communicate with a Somfy IO remote control. Without a LED receiver, your LED lighting cannot communicate with one of these systems.
Different types of LED receivers
You can choose from the following LED receivers:
- Somfy IO LED receiver (for the porch IO sets)
- Somfy IO LED receiver strip (for the LED strips)
- Wifi LED receiver (for all recessed spotlights and porch BAS sets)
- Wifi garden LED receiver (for 24V & 230V garden lighting)
- Wifi strip LED receiver (for the LED strips)
To let your LED lights communicate with Somfy IO, you need to order the Somfy IO LED receiver.
Rather control the lighting with an app, remote control Moon and/or push dimmer Novex? Then choose one of the wifi LED receivers. Pay close attention to which wifi receiver you need. It depends on the type of lighting.
Questions about LED receivers?
Do you have a question about the LED receivers, or do you have another question? Then contact our LED specialists. You can do this any business day from 09.00 to 17.00.
Buy an LED receiver
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